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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉





Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉







/oh/ - Anyone got T@ylor L, Em1ly Pr1c3 or m@dison H3ndrickson?

/oh/ - Ohio

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 No.3429[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone got T@ylor L, Em1ly Pr1c3 or m@dison H3ndrickson?


Anyone got T@m@ir@ B@k3r?


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Kyl@ M1LL3r


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T@yL0r L.


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P@yg33 M3ss3r (from her OF)


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L3ks1 (that’s her Onlyfranz)


What’s P@yg33 M3ss3r oF??


Any 2014-2018 Northridge chicks?


Anymore l3ks1?


Charissa w1bright?


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paygebaby25 Is her OF she hasn’t be active since December though. This is the only other one I have of hers


I have one more l3ksi. But I need to see some of what I want first 😅 I’ve posted all of them in this thread. I’ve got some t@yl0r L. A few more of Em coll1ns. And plenty of kyl@ m1ll3r. I wanna see m@dison h3ndrickson or some of her friend k3nn3dy Sm1th (now Gr3gory)


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Got Haley J@y?


No I wish though


Any brittney thatcher?


Anyone got some from Springfield or Enon area?


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4Shl3y D. Use to bartend at hooters and all around Dayton. Big slut for older guys.


Bump more kyl@


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What you got? I’ve got plenty kyL@


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>>3573 does she have a rose tattoo on her chest?


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No some symbol. Idk what it is exactly aside from hot. This is the best one of mine I found with it clearly shown


My bad. I thought you meant kyL@ 😅. Yeah @ashl3y has a rose tattoo if I remember correctly. Think she has an Elvis tattoo also


Lol I know her do you have more


Nah that’s all I’ve got from when we were hooking up lol.


Who you lookin for. I could use all the kyL@ you got


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I’m looking for 3mily Price (Axt), 4lyss4 W1ckman, M4dison H3ndrickson, k3nn3dy sm1th (Gregory), t4maira b4ker, or even just more of L3ksi C4ughm4n. This is a lot of what’s left of kyl@. I’ve got some more but gonna wait to see what I get back.


Damn i dont have any of them. I may have some things you could use to get them maybe. Do you have a app that starts with the same letter as kitten? I used to have kyl@ OF back in the day so alli have on her is what she posted there


Been trying to find more but cant find where she posts xxx content anymore


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Shit post whatever you have of any local 937 girls and it’s fine. She doesn’t post any xxx content anymore. I know a **** that has her nudes posted from when she was doing the OF stuff. And nah I don’t have that app sadly. Kyl@ use to be “sponsored” by a “modeling” group. So if you can find the group it cost $20 a month just do the one time payment and screenshot whatever you want.


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Ive got a bunch of her sh@un@ b


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Its nit letting me post more then thatb1 i did


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Lets see if it lets me do this one


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Idk why it was bugging on me but its nit letting me post some of them


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I got some m@rtyn@ h@nn@h too if itll let me post it


Any Carroll girls (class of 2016 up)?


Any new OF **? Or anyone have an extensive list of local **?
And I second the Carroll request.


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Whos that?


Is this an old @shley D@v1dson pic?


Any Jordan K?


Anyone got d3lov pi3rc3? Her of is $34 which is CRAZY.


What's d3lov pi3rc3's of?


I got plenty of delov and Sara 0sborn if anyone has Wayne alumni to share


Sadly I don’t know anyone from Wayne :/ but I’d like to see d3lov titties 👀


Any interest in northridge?


love to see Sara 0sborn. who else from wayne you got?


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from megan m's of


More Sh4una B and more S@rah U?


I’ve got Meg as well as Sara and delov , gimmie a couple days and I got y’all but let’s get this thread goin !


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Just a quick peak of what I got but got plenty of vids and nudes of all


anymore Sara or Wayne Alum?


I’ve got tons more Sara O and a few more Wayne alum from the same grad class


Anyone have han#$h bake?


names? i got br1ana d (now h), syd c00k, k1rst1e k, and em1ly sm1th


I’m still waiting to see some d3lov 😩


I’ve got most of them as well except Emily smith and bri , and deliver is the third pic I posted , I’ll post more of each shortly


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Bri and em


I got a bunch of sh4una b


Let's see more Sh4una B then.


Seems so. One of the least shy around for sure. With an appetite for crowd pleasing…**** smh


Any Enmm@ T33t3r?


Chelbi K ?? Rhymes with Lidd. Used to have an OF


I've got some Wayne girls, including Ash R(ect)or, Zoey S@nderson, Acacia N@ught0n and a bunch of Kirstie K. Looking for Rach R0berts and her friend Tori


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Whose got or willing to get Lyllia?


I remember back when she was doing the cam girl thing. Her ex still has a bunch of film with her. His ()fanz was m()unta!nmanxx


No t0ri or rach but zoey and r3ctor would be bomb! I’ve got delove coming next and Sara 0 vids if they upload



Post who you got! I got a bunch of Wayne
Britt h
Ash h
Brooke h
Syd c
Emily a
Chelbi k
Emily s
Renee w
Sierra t
Emmy n
Zoey s
And more


Post chelbi please


Post Ash rect0r


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Post Emily A and Emmy N. Who else you got?
Here's Sierra and Maria


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Emmy and chelbi anyone gonna deliver those zoe s now? Or any others from Wayne?


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Last one until I see someone else start posting


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More Emy N


Did someone ask for Lyl?
g0file **** io slash d slash 13nKv6


I have more to post (no one that anyone’s asking for though) but I’ve posted 20+ of the pic on here so I’m waiting to anymore of mine. I’m the one asking for del0v



Nice pussy here….shaved fully smooth and looks tight af. Fuckin perfect.


I don't think anyone's got delov my guys, try asking for someone else, I'm about to post a few more of others I got hopefully you do the same


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Tannah b


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Danielle a


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Dakota j


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Emily a


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Still have plenty more if anyone wants to start posting again
Ending with Ashley h.


I’m trying to upload delov but keeps giving me error , and Sara O and same with hers . Great wins though this thread is fire


I think kyl@ is about to start another 0F. She changed her Instagram to say Entrepreneur again (this is what she did when she had one originally)


I've been having the same issue I've had to screenshot the image and upload that and it works


I’ve had to manually crop mine in my albums to make the file smaller


Got more?


I do, tons! But what are you going to post?


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jamie c


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this is supposedly jourdan b


There has to be more Wayne girls. There was so many hot ones! Kristin Bran(d)en(bu)rg, Shelby W1ls0n, lexx bla1r, cami Y or any of her sisters? Lol I tried to upload Ash Rec tor, but it wouldn't let me. I'll try again later and I'll upload Zoey again bc she was on the last thread.


That def is Jordan tho. I saw that shit when it was first going around right after she sent it like 12 years ago lol


i've run into errors like that. find a way to convert to jpg (via another **** or something). sometimes that works


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Zoey S from the last thread


Anyone got t@yl0r b3ntley? Or know if she has an 0F? She’s fine af 😩




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K@tie S


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Meg E


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More Meg


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Hi11 B


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Ash R


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fuck yes
whos that


Drop those Huber heights OF ! I’m tryn to support local business haha


OF, but don’t be afraid of any of its OC either lol


Anyone got more zoey s?


Anyone got Shelby Wilson?


Anymore Fairborn girls? 2012 to like 2018


We definitely need more Fairborn from any years


I’ve got more kyl@ to post unless this thread is dead now


Not all heros wear capes, post up


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Where’s the titties though 😩😩😩


hot damn got any names?


Who got sammie dalton, jaden mahle or Brooklyn Coffman? I got stuff I can post let me know!


Anyone have anything of L3@h C0wg1ll


I have one pic of leah. You have anything?


>>4216 I do


Please share


Anyone got some T@ylor Loz@n? She just got married. I wanna see them big ole fake tits 😩 she graduated from GHS I believe


>>4218 I have T Bowling from Stebbins


>>4217 I have T Bowling from Stebbins


>>4221 you have anybody else from stebbins?


>>>4225 C. Castle


>>4226 nice. Anybody else??


>>>4227 I don't think so…hoping someone will share L.Cowgill from Wayne


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Leah. Post what you have


>>>4229 idk no face could be random tits


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T bowling


Any more Leah, anyone have Jul13 0str0v Northmont


Anyone have Ali$on $toud3r? Went to little Miami, frequents fox hollow and yellow rose?


Emma T33t3r whore?


>>4230 I mean its a pretty identifiable tattoo right there. Isn't hard to find a pic of her on social media showing the same tattoo….


>>4230 I haven't seen it on Fbook and insta is private


3443 Taylor L do you have more please??


There’s a couple more out there. She deactivated her OF so it’s harder.


Please post more been looking forever!




Anyone have any of the Sexy girls that go to PF in Englewood


Plz post! I have one pic of Coffman. Got Alexis Smith, Brook Travis, Ashlee Wadsworth. Really want some Kettering


I’ve got er1n fry3 if you post br00ke tr@vis


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Does anyone for the love of GOD have t@ylor B3ntl3y??????? Been wanting to see her naked for awhile now! She post on IG as if she has an OF but I can’t find it anywhere (if she even has one)


Please someone more Taylor l or any lakynn p


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Taylor L


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More Taylor L


Anybody got any T@ra Sp@rks? 👀


Taylor l posted an accidental pussy pic in a towel and then deleted it like 4 hours later. Anyone catch that?


No!!!!! I wanna see it though!


Was on of, literally got on seen it, clicked it and it was gone. I was like noooo 🤣


Ughh no more of her any different views she’s a hottie!


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Any Ju1l3 0str0v, from Englewood went to Northmont


Yeah…I have a few


>>>4328 please share


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Is this who you're looking for?


>>>4330 who's that


B3r4ndy (D)4ni31s


Yea that's her


I used to have a ton of her somewhere… let me see if I can find them. She was all about sending wins out.


Who has Jul13 0str0v


Looking for @lici@ Brightman-Vandalia, Le@h Cowg1l and Bobbi3 Holl@nd–Wayne, Aley@ Br00ke-Dixie,


What is Taylor’s trampfans??


To late. She literally just deactivated it last month.


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I got a few of b d4ni3l5


That's great nigga, WHAT IS THE TRAMPFANS, I got ways to find those pics.


More of b d4ni3l5 please!


pizzaaaaaaqueen Was her trampfanz. Had to go search for it.


Bumping this just so it doesn’t die. Got a few more I’m looking for like t@ylor B3ntley


any b d4n13l5 wins? all i have arent ****


Wins of Ju1l3 0str0v anyone


Send what you have of b d4ni3ls. Don't care if they are wins


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St3ph4ni3 m0rr1s


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Whose got wins?


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Erica B


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Em C0//1ns


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Kirstie K


I’ve got some of Em Co//ins content. Her body is more disappointing than I expected though


Post it then


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I really thought em co//ins tits would have looked alot better


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More em




anybody got any tecumseh girls? vandalia butler? more of em c0//in5 and b d1n13l5 would be nice too. ill post more of them when you do.


Someone post more Brandy.. gawd damn she's fine


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More brand[y]


Would love to see M@c@l@h Schuyl3r from Tecumseh


Damn.. Brandy is too fine !


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Looking for j4mi3 mcguff1n


Bump bump bump


Any one else have any more of br4ndy?




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I just got a good amount of both @utumn b3ll and d3lov pi3rc3! Post what y’all got and I’ll post mine too after I see I’m not the only one


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Anyone have b@il3y?


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Anyone got 3m1ly h4mmer? Huge slut.


What’s her of???


Juli3 0str0v please and L3ah C0wg1l dying to either one


Somebody out there has to have b45ndy in all her glory


Who you looking for? Anyone specific?


Honestly just from the 937 area mainly. I just don’t want this thread dying. There are plenty of like to see specifically but whoever ya got would be good 🤷🏼‍♂️


>>> 4683 I'd love to see Ju1l3 0str0v Northmont, L3ah C0wg1l Wayne, M@calah Schu1y3r Tecumseh


Anyone happen to have j0hnny g@il?


m4d150n 5uck3 rhymes with ducky from xenia?


I doubt it. But anyone got @lyssa Wickm@n? She’s been a hooters calendar girl for years in Dayton. I just wanna see those fake titties finally 😛


Any waynesville, CM, lebanon trampfans?




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Name??? Nice tits


Last name?


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Anyone have Amy $picer?


I hope. She works at my gym. Thicc.


Any m3g mckinl3y?


Anyone got a girl named Dyl@nn M@son? Idk what school she went to. But she lived in beavercreek and Cinci and worked at hooters a few years back. And anymore T@ylor L. ?


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Here’s some d3lov ass and titties for y’all.


Wish we cpuld post vids i have em co//ins anal vid & a public masturbation vid from her OF


you can, theres a **** at the top of the thread to upload video


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Anybody got Gwen? Her FB is Gwendolyn Princess


Looking for the Schuyl3r sisters went to Tecumseh, L3@h C0wg1ll Wayne, C C@stl3 and T. B0wl1ng Stebbins, and Jul13 0str0v Northmont


At this point I don’t even care who y’all post let’s just get some naked bitches from our area up in here!


Anyone got t@ylor B3ntley? She’s a buddy I see on IG all the time posting thirst traps. I’m hoping someone has something


Anything good of the King sisters New Carlisle/ bethel area?


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Maddy watts- 937


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Anyone got Sarah b?


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Anyone got some of @mber l0ryn? Hooters girl in Dayton I think. She has a trampfans under this name. I’ve seen some of her stuff but don’t have it currently.


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Who’s got t@ylor?


Anyone got some of chl0e D nudes? (Also known as s1rensspell on IG)


More @shley Davison plz!!


That’s all I had of @shley :/ I think her boobs are a little bigger now too. Not hard to get stuff from her tho, but she’s crazy so I have her blocked.


Looking for Mainly Springfield chick's
C@m!e M!tch3//, C@tlin Fr0$t, or anyone from South Charleston or Southeastern Highschool (Trojans) 2016-****


Anymore Kirstie K??


Or the **** to kirstie k of?


$helby w1ls0n or h@nn@h $erm0n$ from Wayne? N1kk1 $chuyler from fairborn??


I have red head Chelsea H from wayne to post for the last 3 comments people


gotta see any of those somebody pls bump lol


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Bump for the last few requests…che1$ea H 937


C@m1 Y0unT or K1r$t1e K would be sick! Need that trampfans name lol






Kirstie deleted her of. I've got a bunch of stuff still from it though. I'll post some if we start getting more Wayne girls.


I have more Chel$e@ H from wayne I can post if we start to get more as well. Also em1ly s and K@t1e s


Get to posting! This thread is full of Wayne girls above


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Another Em1ly S


In need of some L3@h C0wg1l


post here if you're too shy chat pic o r g / r / 100 rooms / #Ohio


Damn she got some big ass titties!








Keep the posts coming and thread alive




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Anyone kno Mallory?


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More mallory


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K1r$t1e k






IN SEARCH OF Cassidy E. Her trampfans was Kendall0320 I have some of her pics before she deleted them if anyone has vids or other pics I'll post after.


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Anymore Wayne girls?! I have quite a few to post if anyone else has any.
Looking for lexx Bla!r and rache1 rober7s

Lacey m. In good faith someone comes forward








Any K@r@ C0rvin from Springfield? Have more T@ylor L for ****


Any M4ck3nz13 N4ngl3?


Anymore more Briana dvffy or Brooke hard1sty? Have stuff to ****!


** on white and green for 937 **s. anonexchange6969


On white and green




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Any mich Marie ???


Who got sh@un@ burk3 or friends from new carlisle?


Anyone have d3z d3vo3?


Anyone got @m@nd@ Lynn?


Need triad bitches


I got plenty but I ain't sharing shit anymore until people acutally post wins. Very few people contribute & so many more dont.


I’ve got Fairborn class off 2011-2013, including a rare one lol allaboutfun1 snp me


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If i post some of these, can I get done re4nna jones


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Anyone got any of this chick destiny



S@r@h Upt@n? Moar!


I have a ton of Sarah Upton drop your **** info and I'll hit you up


Sarah? Any more




Any L@cey Abb@leo?




Christin@ Whitl€y?


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Let’s fire this chat back up!


Bump please


I’ve got Fairborn 2011-2014, including a very rare and hot Fairborn chick! Y and W allaboutfun1


Anyone have
Mich3ll3 Ta¥lor
Ash13¥ W3lch
Mika¥La W3lch


Please tell me you have more of hi11 B ive wanted to see her naked since high school


Anyone got Slut Jasmine Diaz from
Fairborn high school

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