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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? šŸ˜‰





Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? šŸ˜‰







/ken/ - Post the Somerset ky here

/ken/ - Kentucky

Password (For file deletion.)

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 No.1567[Last 50 Posts]

Post the Somerset ky here


Is that Cheyenne and do you have more


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Somerset, K.P.


Who got Brittney t but now w after she got married


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This is Brittney T/W


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What's kp real name?


$helby ma$$ey? Anyone?


Katie greene
Gracie rowe


We need Brooklyn Vā€¦. Brits friend


Have tons of somerset wins for some others


Who you got


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Have tons diff ones who ya got



Anyone got Cynthia green


List who you have, also ha e tons of somerset myself


Here are a few
Cat Herrington
T goff
Dest Vinson
Desiree Bailey


Would live to see des's spread pussy


Bump for ally j


We slacking.. where the wins?!


E decker


is e decker form monticello originally? if so id love to see that body.


Whereā€™s the wins have tons from the area waiting on others!


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@$hl3y smith


Post and I'll post


Just did so post


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Anyone got **ney ly ash6ey


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Desiree B


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Jordan C


Amber $cott


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Ashley p


Ashley who


Desiree b


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Kelsey L


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T goff


Nichole bing for anymore wins


Any Ashley w**rr**n?


Like you will post n1cole or want her


Iā€™ll post Nichole for others. And whatā€™s the last name of Ashley your wanting




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A13x1s N3w


Iā€™ll keep posting if you do


I have Lynn 43rgson


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DaC1a R03


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Whoā€™s in the yellow


Nothing else? I still have more


Who ya got


What happened to that dc


Anymore of Alexis new ? Have bunch others Iā€™ll post


Like who? I have a lot said Al31xs lol


Whoā€™s got the oak wood sluts


Have Ashley porron, Catherine Herrington, Darci t etc


Letā€™s see em


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Iā€™ll keep going if you guys drop some too


Just posted 2 post some !


Your turn


File: 1738607656274.jpeg (310.19 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_6194.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Here ya go


Anything else?


Who does anyone have? Or who you wanting to see


List who you have


Got quite a few tbh who does everyone else have


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B. Mon*ay


Anyone got Ashley Ander$on?


I will drop my entire collection of Ashley gets posted


You talking about Ashley w@rren?


Post more b Monday and which Ashley is it your wanting


Ashley @nderson/w@rren


Will keep posting if you all do.


Who else do ya have


Sommer b. Darci t. Jordan c.


Who is that? And I will post them all for the right wins


File: 1738689089674.jpeg (321.77 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6200.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Only Anderson I have


File: 1738691804715.png (2.56 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6064.png) ImgOps Google

Someone elseā€™s turn and Iā€™ll keep going


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Christy estepp


Just posted Christy next


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Laura. Next


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Nichole bingham


You gotta have one better than that


I do for someone else, Sommer b


List who you have.


Darci, Tori g, Catherine h , Ashley porron, Jordan c , destiny v
Desiree b tons more


Drop ashley p0rr0n and ill drop Sommer


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Here ya go


Post the Sommer now Ashely has been posted


T@sha C0mpton got any floating around?


Whose the girl in the black thong


Ash porron someone post Sommer




Someone post some sluts from Texas Road House


Any OF names or ****? Have plenty pics to post for for wins


Whereā€™s the Sommer B


Someone said the eh was gonna post Sommer after Ashely was posted but hasnā€™t yet


Who has Brittany French? Have some
Tiffany price


H@nnah ā‚¬ldridge? Used to dOZiā‚¬R


Anymore Catherine H@rrington??


Have tons Catherine who ya got


Have tons of abbĒ clark


Post abby


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Shel Meade
Sc slickrick.122


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AbbĆÆ Clark


Post em up!


Post more abbi!


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Nicole upchurch


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Alysha mootoor


Kayla **ers



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Alysha mootoor


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Mckenzie minor


Anymore Nichole Upchurch , Kayla, or mootor


I got a few more mootoor and nicole


Post some more Nichole and McKenzie! Iā€™ll post some
More Abbi and others


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Any Kristen Burton, Kristen McGrew or from sheā€™s


Use to not just to lol


Any from SWHS


I found a few more Nicole that I forgot I had


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Any Nichole with out anything on?!


I used to have a bunch of nude pics of her and even had a video of her spreading her ass but I deleted all of them like an dumbass lol


Who's the redhead with the bat tattoo??


Abby Clark




Abbi Clark have tons of her nudes/vids


Would love to see abbi's butthole


Who ya got and Iā€™ll show you


I got more mootoor


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Another desiree pic


Anymore of Alexis new?


More Abbi now?


Any nik@l@ west


Any of tangi Jacobā€™s? Tamara baker or socorra Mina?


Iā€™ll post more Abbi when someone else drops some new stuff, anymore Alexis?


Anyone have some of Alexis Wilson?


Wb angel letner?


Brittany Tillett? Kelsey lorman? Hailey stripling?


Someone has to have something of Katie Greene


Gotta be more then whatā€™s posted


Got Charissa B


Whatā€™s the Charissa last name


now kelly was burkett


Any new ones


Plz post. Sheā€™s so fine


Whereā€™s the milfs at


Any nikala west????



Anyone got Hailey Stripling?


Shelby Roy?


Bri@nn@ P****s?


Who has Kaitlyn bell


Keep this thread going


Anyone got any Jami Lea?


Any Kayley wheldon use to be Flynn


Make new thread or what


Come on now donā€™t let it die again


Letā€™s see them


Whoā€™s got more Christy E?


Have tons of Christy E who ya got


Iā€™ll show you my entire archive. Letā€™s take this offline. Whatā€™s your ****?


**** and show em the archive
For tons of Christy E


Who has holly vaught





You canā€™t delete nothing on this page sorry. Which one is the pic of you?


Have a couple pics of me and my sister just wnated them removed Catherine, and Ashley p


Have a few of Tabitha Whitaker


Post em.


Looking for

ā‚¬milĆ½ ā‚©hĀ”talkā‚¬r
@mbā‚¬r mĀ”Ʊk
@mbā‚¬r morr!$
$@m r@m$eyyyyy


I have some of ā‚¬mily m@rr
And Socorro min@


Post some socorro


Plz god post T whitaker


Who ya have for T Whitaker


I donā€™t have anything to share I just think sheā€™s so fucking sexy. Please dude


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Million dollar pussy l


All you guys are pussy


File: 1740301952260.jpeg (81.36 KB, 1024x2048, 20180916_230734_HDR.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Like clock work


Should I stop or get in the good stuff ?


Fuck t Whitaker I got ya


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Any Nikala west


Whoā€™s the last 5 posted


Donā€™t let this thread die out boys post um up


Looking for Izabella Bowling


S0mmā‚¬r B!?!


Would love more Christy Estepp


Have tons of Christy who ya got


Bump! More Texas road house hoe's! Name?


what about $ierra R0b3rts?


$!ā‚¬rr@ d@Ʊ!ā‚¬l$


Iā€™ll post some more Christy E whenever someone starts posting


Who the million dollar girl posted, and the pink thong after it


Any other A$hlĀ£Ā„ AndĀ£rs0n out there?


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Who has any Gracie Rowe


Anyone have Haley creech,


Any Dakota Fitzgerald?


More ćħristĆæ ě?


Have tons Christy e who ya have


I've got some good out of Lexington, you can have whatever you want for some more Christy


If you say you got them then postā€™em


File: 1741176830725.jpeg (259.34 KB, 1086x1660, IMG_6507.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Someone post


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Keep it going


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Have anymore Cheyenne B


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Who are the last few posted?


First of the last few was Cheyenne bray, looking for more of her


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Hereā€™s some Tiffany price


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Match post for post for cheyene


Any SWHS girls from 2010-2016?


Have a few from that class range who ya got


Why aren't there names with most of them?



Dang, that coochie looks perf.


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Brianna Cassada post chey bray


Who ya have for em




Whatā€™s the ****


Who is this


File: 1741363098850.jpeg (86.21 KB, 576x1024, IMG_6514.jpeg) ImgOps Google


Have some katie myers for others


got a couple brooke s for a Sierra rob3rt$


Smith or stringer


string, what got rob3rts?


Letā€™s see em


Who ya have


File: 1741377325448.png (3.3 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4660.png) ImgOps Google


Who is that, who else ya have


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File: 1741378450142.png (4.85 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4662.png) ImgOps Google


Letā€™s see more


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File: 1741379018849.png (3.79 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4668.png) ImgOps Google


Wtf is the point in posting if your not gonna say who they are


Guess the same reason everyone claims to have all these pics of females and never post them


One in the red is Katie myers idk who the others are


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Who has more of her


Have tons of her in the one who posted the 2 of her who ya have


Letā€™s see more then


Iā€™ve posted tons already and 2 of her someone else turn


If you have more of her post another


File: 1741386854001.png (4.01 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_6551.png) ImgOps Google

Now get to posting something ya self


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Chelsea colwell


Post some good ones who has more of chey bray


Who is that?


still waitin on Si3rra Rob3rts


Darci T


Have folder of Darci T who ya got


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Casey Terry


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Everyone has Casey t


There ya go so post more


Post something new or chey bray Iā€™ll drop all mine of whoever


Any Kristen McGrew or Summer Hale?


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Kaitlyn Bell


Have anymore kaitlyn bell


Post more of her I posted some


Post more of who




Post more bell then


You must not have anymore been 5 posted since


You posted some ugly ones beside Kaitlyn bell, myers is better then that


File: 1741390560771.png (6.23 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_6548.png) ImgOps Google


None of them have been full naked pics or ass pics when you got some like that Iā€™ll post more


You post a full body of bell then Iā€™ll show you Evernote of the myers


File: 1741391082395.png (3.78 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4686.png) ImgOps Google


File: 1741391164810.png (6.91 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_6554.png) ImgOps Google

You post a full body of bell then Iā€™ll show you Every one of the myers


Add the $napč we will **** tyl427


Thatā€™s not Katie


Iā€™ll lay a million dollars on it that it is,


File: 1741391887898.png (4.22 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_6559.png) ImgOps Google

Iā€™ll lay a million dollars on it that it is,
Hereā€™s another too


I donā€™t see tats on the other pics post with a face


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File: 1741392107812-1.png (4.58 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_6562.png) ImgOps Google

Itā€™s her I can put anything you want on it, might been before she got tat but itā€™s her for sure


Now post some more bell


File: 1741392389056.png (2.66 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_4693.png) ImgOps Google


Who is that


Who has pussy pics of hers thatā€™s what everyone is wanting to see


Pussy pic of who




For more of bell Iā€™ll post vids and all


Were all waiting heard a lot of talk from you you got some of bell so letā€™s see a video


Coming from who only posted 2 of bell sounds like ya donā€™t have any more ainā€™t jsut gonna hand out vids for nothing


Post a video do us all a favor buddy


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Wonā€™t me post but have plenty


Show a screenshot with face in it weird video load on here


Hell Iā€™d show some sierra roberts, and summer hale for some kaitlyn


What is it


D I $ c 0r D


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Please post summer H now


After Summer is posted I'll post a pic of Jody Bland spreading her ass


K Harmon wins


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Whereā€™s the S Robertā€™s at now?


Who is that


A recent of Jody or old one


The pic I've got of Jody is from last year


I used to have a pic with cum on her face too but I can't find


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High school day when she dated Israel


Letā€™s see it


Still waiting on Summer


One was posted above from high school


I want to see her tits


Post the Jody ill show the tits


I don't think you have a pic of her tits because the first one that you posted that's supposed to be Summer isn't her it's Missjoyy1


Can guarantee I have her tits along with half of somerset girls


Pretty sure you donā€™t have Jody because sheā€™s been engaged for few years now


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You got any of destiny vinson


Who has recent pics of Katie Myers those are older pics


Any of Amelia Bubnick floating around?


You got Oralia Stevens?


Got some of destiny vinson and Oralia who ya have


No you fuckin weirdo - sincerely Katie herself LMAO


Would pornhub be better if people is wanting to see nudes


Someone please post all they have of her call her ass out videos and all.


Is that why you Just deleted your account ā€œTylerā€ LMAO. Literally caught you in 4K lmaoooooo. OF literally snitching on you lololol


Mr baker youā€™re a ā€œfirst responderā€ too. Donā€™t ever talk shit about me again. Iā€™ve slept with the same person for FIVE years.


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Anyone have Ariel Calahan?


Who this letā€™s see more


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O stevens I got a million more if yā€™all start sharing more Iā€™ll post them all


Nobody has Abby Davis


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More o stevens


Weā€™re trying to see that pussy so letā€™s see that


We yā€™all lost some more i got you


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Any more Christy E?


New mc and pulaski GSapxQqt


Where they at?


Who has some of Tessa Brock


Who is that??
She's fucking sexy


Yeah for real who is she


Any Misty Gleason or Shonna Hicks?


Smash Andā‚¬rs0n?


Any of Merissa Lewis




Any Skylar F?


Any Kota Tyree


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Jaimie r


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Any Emory Wilds


Any addi bowling? I know stuff is out there


Any Morgan coomer


any 4l3x15 bl4k3


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